Monday, September 27, 2010

A Diva Halloween

Halloween has never been a big deal to me. I went trick-or-treating as a kid, but as I got older, I didn't understand the appeal of going to such great expense for a costume, makeup, etc.
But now that I have a grand-daughter, and it'll be her first halloween this year, I decided to join the ranks and do a bit of decorating, vixen style.
Didn't this turn out great?!  This little display is in my dining/kitchen area and suits my style black & orange for this lady!
Now, before I tell you how I did it, I just need to add this disclaimer...I am the queen of repurposing...EVERYTHING.  I enjoy using what I already have, and have been known to use items in every room of the house (throughout the year).
I love the elegant feel of the champagne colored pumpkins (a la can of spray paint) ~ it's the same color I used to create the "frosted glass" on the mirror behind them!  Three candlesticks I have had forever...and use them all the time.  And don't you love the absolutely adorable beaded spider?  I made him a few months ago, and is perfectly at home on the pumpkin.
I placed the entire display on a an antique silver tray I got from my Gramma Mae, and set a cute silver frame next to it, sans photo.
I am currently planning a display for my entryway, and will post it when I finish it.  Til then, enjoy! 
Costume SuperCenter


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