Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mindset Perspectives

I subscribe to a wonderful newsletter, and today, one of the articles really hit home with me.  So with permission from the author, I have posted it here for all to enjoy and take away what you need...Enjoy!

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Diva Halloween

Halloween has never been a big deal to me. I went trick-or-treating as a kid, but as I got older, I didn't understand the appeal of going to such great expense for a costume, makeup, etc.
But now that I have a grand-daughter, and it'll be her first halloween this year, I decided to join the ranks and do a bit of decorating, vixen style.
Didn't this turn out great?!  This little display is in my dining/kitchen area and suits my style black & orange for this lady!
Now, before I tell you how I did it, I just need to add this disclaimer...I am the queen of repurposing...EVERYTHING.  I enjoy using what I already have, and have been known to use items in every room of the house (throughout the year).
I love the elegant feel of the champagne colored pumpkins (a la can of spray paint) ~ it's the same color I used to create the "frosted glass" on the mirror behind them!  Three candlesticks I have had forever...and use them all the time.  And don't you love the absolutely adorable beaded spider?  I made him a few months ago, and is perfectly at home on the pumpkin.
I placed the entire display on a an antique silver tray I got from my Gramma Mae, and set a cute silver frame next to it, sans photo.
I am currently planning a display for my entryway, and will post it when I finish it.  Til then, enjoy! 
Costume SuperCenter

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Banana-na-na Bread!

I must say, I love fall! The crisp air, beautiful colors, and the excuse to bake yummy things!  I hadn't actually planned on making banana bread today, however I don't like to see food go to waste, so the 7 bananas I had needed to morf into something delicious!
Interested in baking up some of the best bread this side of the mississippi river? Here's the recipe:

Gramma Mae's Banana Nut Bread

1/2 c. butter, softened
1 c. sugar (I always use less)
     Cream together, then add
2 eggs
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. nutmeg (I always use more)
     Mix well on med-high for at least 1 minute, then add
3-4 ripe bananas
     Mix well on med-high, then add
1/2 c. sour milk (use a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar)
2 c. flour
1/2 c. pecans or walnuts (if you like 'em)
     Mix well. Pour into greased bread pan or muffin liners and bake at
     350 degrees.
60 min for bread pan
30 min for muffins

This is an original recipe my gramma perfected.  Enjoy!

Shop Taste of Home

Friday, September 24, 2010

A sea of paper...

When it comes to wedding stationery, gone are the days of classic white linen paper and engraved wording.  In a sea of endless possibilities, it's easy to get overwhelmed.  Should you stay traditional, or venture out of the ordinary?  Neutral tones or vibrant hues?  Black ink or something more unique?

Brides today are quite different from the brides of yesterday.  With an increase of women making an impact in the job market, several brides (and couples) today decide against the traditional "bride's parents pay for most of it" attitude, and instead, provide a significant portion of the budget themselves.  In doing this, they assure everyone involved, that they will be making the final decisions...period. 

With that new level of independence comes the reality there are indeed thousands of possibilities when it comes to style; and thanks to the internet, no shortage of specialty stationeres.  But how to choose? 

For most, it comes down to budget.  For others, it's desiring an invitation unlike anyone has ever seen.  And still for others, it's about relishing in the moment and creating a bit of DIY magic...this last one is my forte.

With the myriad of software programs available, it's easy to design an invitation from start to finish, cut and assemble all the pieces, and add all the embellishments...if you have nothing but time on your hands!  For the rest of us, adding a bit of creativity on an invitation that's already been professionally printed is much more time-friendly, and the results are fabulous!

Think outside the box when designing your invitations.  This is going to be the first glimpse of your fab event for your get them salivating!  Think metallics, ribbons, jewels, and even fabric.  Anything in your scheme can work!

Pear Tree Greetings

Off and running...sort of.

This is the kickoff to something I've been itching to do for a while.  What you'll find here are the latest and greatest of things dear to my heart...some of these are fashion, home, kids & (grand)parenting, cooking, and entertaining.  Of course, at the top of all that is wedding planning! 
What you'll find here for your celebration will be oodles of inspiration, diy projects, and current trends on everything from the "holy crap! yes, I will!" to the "finally...I do!"
So check back often...tons of goodies await!


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